In the United States, issues refer to topics of current debate and controversy, sometimes involving strongly-held beliefs and values. The word issue originally meant something that was put out (such as a statement by a celebrity or new postage stamps), but now it means any topic of interest to the public. You may also hear someone say that a person has “issues,” which is generally used to mean that they have problems, especially emotional ones.
Many different kinds of issues exist, including social problems, economic problems, environmental problems and global problems. Some issues fall into more than one category, such as global warming and gun violence, which are both social and environmental problems.
When asked to name the biggest problems facing the nation, people most often mention inflation, health care affordability and drug addiction. But there are also a variety of other issues that rank high on the list, including climate change, crime and poverty.
Writing an article on an issue can be a great way to raise awareness of a problem and promote solutions. When creating an article, make sure your argument is clear and concise, and avoid using jargon or technical terms that aren’t necessary to explain your position. Keep in mind that many readers may not be familiar with your topic, so it is important to present an introduction that gives readers context for your argument. Gale offers a number of user-friendly resources that can help you research and write an essay on any issue.