Relationships can encompass many different types of human connections, both romantic and nonromantic. The word is often used so broadly that it can be hard to know what it means. It could be the relationship between you and your partner, or the one between a student and professor, between the government and the people of the country you live in, or even between family members like cousins.
When in the right relationship, you have a ride or die that will support you, encourage you, and pick you up when you fall. It makes you want to be a better person because you have someone who will love you no matter what. They are your safety net, and the best part is that you can be yourself around them.
In a healthy relationship, you can also encourage parts of your partner that may be hiding in the background. For example, if your partner is a social butterfly but you are more introverted, you can encourage them to come out more. This can be beneficial for your relationship, as it gives you a more well-rounded view of the other person and helps both of you grow as individuals.
Being in a relationship can add years to your life, whether it be in the form of more enjoyable days and moments or in the form of a stronger social network that can help you handle stress more effectively. Everyone is different, so how this looks in your life will be unique, but it can be beneficial.