Technology is the use of devices to process, transmit, and display information. It includes computer software, the internet, smart phones, and more. It is an essential component of business and allows customers to shop online and employees to work remotely. It also empowers entrepreneurs to start new companies and raise capital. However, there are many ways to misuse technology and it should be carefully considered before implementing.
Technology is an integral part of culture and shapes it through its use. It also plays a significant role in our personal lives and can have positive or negative effects on our wellbeing. It also influences how we interact with each other and the world around us.
Unlike science, which focuses on necessity and universality, technology is inherently utilitarian. The act of creating technology involves deciding what kind of future to bring about by calculating the efficiency of various possible means towards an end that has not yet been determined. This choice necessarily prioritizes some routes and ends while neglecting others.
When a technology catches on widely, it tends to exponentially scale the behaviors it makes easier. For example, when TVs became popular in America, it led to an increase in people zoning out in front of them, hypnotized by visual stimulation. Another example is the GPS, which allows users to pinpoint locations on the planet from satellites orbiting Earth. It has greatly improved the ability of humans to navigate and live.